The main source of my chaos...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kindergarten breakdown

And so we move on to Day 2 of kindergarten....

When I picked Yuri up at school, she was smiling so big.  Before I could even speak, she said, "I had FUN!"  Whew. 

Apparently, Mrs. Stinson plays music when naptime is over so that the kids get up and awake enough to get ready to go home.  She picked one of Yuri's favorite songs today. 

When I say Yuri had a kindergarten breakdown, I mean a BREAK - IT - DOWN.

So, it appears that we are over the kindergarten blues.  What a relief.

(If for some reason, the video doesn't play, you can find it here.

Disclaimer: If your child goes to school with my child and brings home moves like this, I am not responsible.  I certainly didn't teach her.  In addition, I am not liable for any teacher, parent, or aide who attempts these moves and throws something out of place. 

I reckon it takes a lot of energy to dance like that.  It can wear a girl out!


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