The main source of my chaos...

Friday, June 19, 2015

One Hot Mess!!

“Wow… you have your hands full!”  I hear that a lot.  And it’s true, I do.  But it doesn’t usually get to me.  While my life is most definitely full of chaos, I like to tell myself it’s controlled chaos (for the most part).  There are weeks, though, when even *I* question my sanity.  This was one of those weeks. 

There wasn’t one particular thing that made it so crazy.  It was just EVERYTHING combined.  My job is crazy busy, my CASA cases required extra time and attention, my laundry was piled up to the ceiling, I was doing respite for another foster family, so I had 5 little girls and the oldest is 8.  There were 9 people living in my house this week. 

Wednesday was bad.  I was running all over the country taking kids to visits, had a couple of appointments, got chewed out by a client, had a crisis situation with a CASA case, kept having to pull off the side of the road to answer emails…. Just a crazy, crazy day.  I knew I would be gone all day so I disbursed my kids here and there.  Between daycare and sitters, I had kids scattered everywhere. 

As the day was winding down, I started making pickups.  I was in a hurry because Yuri, Gigi, and Aubree had been attending an evening VBS all week, and it was due to start in about an hour.  I’m running around picking up kids here and there, and when I get to Aubree’s daycare, I walked in to sign her out.  My first thought was hmmm… I forgot to sign her in.  Then I saw the daycare workers looking at me like I had two heads, and it hit me.  SHE WASN’T EVEN AT DAYCARE. She was at home with a sitter.  How do you cover that up?  Well, you don’t. You feel like an idiot and try to laugh it off, all the while making a mental note to Google “early signs of dementia” when you get home.  Fortunately, the girls at daycare were good sports and they laughed too (AT me, not WITH me). 

So, maybe my hands ARE too full.  I’ve given it a lot of thought and it’s with a heavy heart that I need to announce that I have to give something up.  I just can’t do everything anymore. The problem is, there is nothing I do that I can just walk away from.  I have to have someone ready to step in for me, or …. I don’t know what… but SOMETHING bad would happen.  Having said that, I’m turning to you for help.

Who wants to volunteer to take over my laundry?

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