The main source of my chaos...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Adventures of Yuri and Gigi

As I have told y’all before, Baby A is just not the best sleeper.  She’s doing really good these days sleeping at night, but naps are still hard work.  To get her down for a nap, I have to perform a series of actions that include sitting in the same spot, holding her in a certain position, and nobody except me and her can be in the room.  Sigh.  I know, I know. She’s a baby and she shouldn’t get to make the rules, but you try telling her that.  She really doesn’t say many words, but she rules our household by pointing and grunting. 
So, when it’s naptime for Baby A, I send Yuri and Gigi to their bedroom and threaten them.  I tell them NOT to open the door that separates the den from the bedrooms.  I tell them they don’t have to nap-- they occasionally DO, but not usually.  They can watch a movie, color, draw, play baby dolls… whatever they want… but don’t come into the den.  I believe it was the “whatever they want” that backfired on me yesterday.
I got the baby down for her nap and opened the hallway door to check on the girls.  Gigi met me head-on, and I immediately had two thoughts –
(1) She did something, and (2) She smells like outside.  (If you have children, you clearly know what “outside” smells like.)
ME:             What are….?
(at which point, she interrupts me)
GIGI:          Me and Yuri have been jumping on the trampoline.
ME:             What???
GIGI:          Yep, we wanted to go outside and you said not to come in the den, so we climbed out our window.
Indeed.  They opened their window, climbed out, jumped on the trampoline, and then crawled back inside. 
Here’s my question –
Do you think they were being sweet, considerate big sisters who didn’t want to disturb Baby A’s nap?
Or do you think they were being sneaky, rotten, little monsters who KNEW BETTER and should be severely punished?
Warning: Objects in the picture are meaner than they appear. 


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